

Looking into Two Sides of International Schools
Education in Indonesia has big improvement in last few years. As the effect of globalization, education in Indonesia also gets some international flavor. It is proven by the increasing number of international schools in Indonesia. Before we talk more about that, what is the international school actually? An international school is a school that provides the students international standard education with different curriculum from national curriculum where it’s located. According to data from Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta Province there are 95 international schools in Jakarta until 2010 and now it is more than 100. The trend of international schools is not only in Jakarta, but also spread across Indonesia especially in big cities. There are several supporting and opposing argumentations towards the trend and existence of international schools in Indonesia.
Towards the trend of international schools in Indonesia, especially in big cities, there are some argumentations that support the trend and existence of international schools. There are several reasons why the existence of international schools should be supported. First, the most important thing why international schools should be supported is the academic factors that are education qualities. Some elements that are included to qualities of education are teaching staff quality and standardized curriculum. International schools have some criteria for teaching staff. The teaching staffs who teach in international schools have to fulfill some qualifications such as speaking at least in two languages, and have good teaching skills and methodology. It is needed because good teaching staff will educate the students with good teaching-learning methods, and the students will be assessed by various kinds of assignment and assessment tools. With good teaching staff the students will get more knowledge, and they will get more experiences. The next element included in education quality is curriculum. International schools use standardized curriculum internationally such as International Baccalaureate or Cambridge International Examinations, with this curriculum the students are prepared to continue their education in higher international schools or international college overseas. Besides with this curriculum the students are taught with different method. They are encouraged to construct knowledge by themselves. The teachers are only as the facilitator, but the main subject in the class are the students. Now the learning system like that is popular as ‘student-centered learning’.
The second supporting argumentation why international schools should be supported is based non academic factors in international schools such as good educational environment, supporting facilities, and life skills that can be learnt. First, one of good things in non academic factors from international schools is no discrimination for the student’s ethnics and body diversity. It will make the students feel comfortable to study and enjoy their learning process. It is little bit different from regular schools that most of them come from same ethnic background. The schools and teachers might have different treatment to students who are different from the others. Second, non academic factor is the facilities in international schools. The facilities in international schools are very good and supporting the learning process. Most of classes in international schools are equipped by computer, LCD projector, and internet connection. Beside equipments in classroom another facilities in international schools such as computer lab, language lab, scientific lab, sport center, and library also support learning process. With all facilities provided by international schools, the student can get more knowledge and apply it. Third, life skills that can be learned in international schools are very useful. Some parents who send their children into international schools, they were influenced by their own experiences (Leks, 2011). They feel skills that they get from international schools are useful for their work and life. For example students from international schools are more confident to show their ability. It is caused by learning process  in schools that encourage them to speak up and perform what they can do. It is also followed by good attitude. So, the students do not only know how to express their ability, but they also know how to respect other people especially people from different backgrounds. Moreover international schools also change student’s mindset to be world citizens with global perspectives. It will prepare them to compete with all people around the world in this globalization era. It is similar to the mission of one international school in Jakarta that wants to prepare their students to become the world citizens with global perspectives. 
On the other hand, there are some argumentations that disagree with the existence of international schools. They have some reasons why international schools are not suitable in Indonesia. First, with all of facilities that should be provided in international schools, it needs much money. It can be a problem for some people who might want to get good education but they do not have much money. It can make the wide gap between students especially in state schools which have international class and regular class. The students who study in regular schools do not get facilities as same as international schools students. Second, there are some international schools that fully adopt western culture. It is not good for student’s especially Indonesian students. The international environment in international schools can make students lose their sense of nationalism, culture, and religion. The international schools should be aware of social issues, religious rituals, and the culture of the country (Leks, 2011). Here parents have the big role to create identity, so that their children will not lose it during their study.
From all explanation above we can conclude that there are some argumentation that supporting and opposing toward the existence and trend of international schools. Argumentations that supporting to the existence of international schools have some reasons. The reasons are included academic and non academic factors. Academic factors are education quality that consist the quality of teaching staff and curriculum. The non academic factors that support international schools are safe education environment to study, good facilities, and life skills that we can get from international schools. Meanwhile there are also opposing argumentations about international schools. The reasons are international schools can make the students lose their identity especially their love towards their own culture. So, international schools can be very good place for learning and preparing us to face globalization era but we have to still keep our nationalism and identity. 
By : Buyung Alfian Noris Sudrajat

References :

Jakarta, D. P. (2011, May 20). Retrieved December 12, 2011, from Data Perkembangan Statistik Pendidikan:
Leks, S. (2011, August 168). The Jakarta Post. Retrieved October 20, 2011, from Weekender:


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